
標題: 星际争霸虫族刀锋女皇同人小说(翻译)(母乳,触手,同性) [打印本頁]

作者: 鬼畜姐控    時間: 2013-3-26 23:44
標題: 星际争霸虫族刀锋女皇同人小说(翻译)(母乳,触手,同性)
这是一篇2010的国外同人小说,我只译了一部分,翻不下去了,果然重口味的扛不住" @) x1 R  P3 l. t7 R

作者: 鬼畜姐控    時間: 2013-3-26 23:46
本帖最後由 鬼畜姐控 於 2013-4-12 13:46 編輯 9 i0 J; N' ?( X: B, e

3 }4 b4 _& Q3 ^! i6 S英文版连接在此,有兴趣的可以去翻下,章节还很多,这里的只是第一章一小半& T! }) x/ T) Q2 A
. `. o! }  L; c2 n; v' s" a                                                                                     凯莉根的孵化- H6 D) B* K  a& N3 z, D
    (原著 SR500)) v' _- r1 [3 S9 O
                                                                                       第一章 受孕# B" i7 F. w$ z0 i8 g$ Q  d
       凯莉根,刀锋女皇,虫族的至高领袖,这个银河系最强大的个体。人虫之战时,她的力量跨越数百光年,引导虫群不断消纳与吸收新的原质来扩张基因库,完善自我。当她走过这颗星球如软肉般蠕动的地表,凯莉根永远不会忘记,她已经成为了刀锋女皇。她也永远不会忘记,当她面对如海潮般蜂拥而至的虫鳌时,毫不怀疑生命走到了尽头——事实上,那时前任主宰已经发现了她强大的精神能力,决定创造一位新的战士——用虫族的血肉重塑她的躯体,同时保留她的幽能力量。在那子宫般的蛹内,充满了促进虫族突变进化病毒的羊水,凯莉根的身体被改变成今天的样子。当如括约肌般的虫巢大门为她打开时,她将爪状的手从角质化的上腹划到一侧丰满的乳房,在轻微的快感中颤抖。& J" S# e+ r0 x" K; X/ b. m
- h+ S) F1 Y0 g2 e       凯莉根一到达虫巢中心,便遇见一只虫后,那是珍贵虫巢的管理者与守护者。她是个大而宏伟的生物,露出六只被蹼连在一起的腿,裸露的弹性皮肤丝毫没影响她的行动力。她的下体延展到她身后,透明的顶端显露出里面紧紧挤满的无数绿色虫卵,在她脉动的体内孵化,直到被产下加入虫群之中。她从上体躯干的孔中生出四臂,下面两只爪子呈凶狠的镰刀状,而上面一对则类似人类手臂的形状。横过她躯干的是一对非常女性化且柔软鼓胀的胸部,这个性征是凯莉根将自己的基因加入虫族基因库时出现的,是刀锋女皇的人类特征影响未来个体的一些细微征兆。最后,虫后长长的头冠上有一些尖锐的突起,许许多多卷须状的有机体悬挂在下面,似乎模仿人类头发的可能性与功能。5 M( g6 O6 ~0 m$ W8 }
       尽管不清楚她们的名字,甚至这位虫后还向着她鞠躬行礼。但凯莉根把这些尊敬看作理所当然的所得,走近她的皇室项目。虫后弯下腰低语着,凯莉根的手轻柔地抚过她的面庞。当她再望向凯莉根时,她惊讶地发现女皇腹部的板状甲壳已经从身体上脱落,露出人类的柔软腹部。她听到凯莉根的声音:“是时候让蒙斯克为他的所为付出代价了,现在,完成你的皇室职责,虫后……”凯莉根在湿软蠕动的地面躺下,向虫后展开她的翼刃和两腿。弓身用带着角质的手指,温柔地分开她紧紧的紫色外阴。虫后脑中产生一股强烈的信息素,那是由凯莉根下体的柔唇引起的性冲动。当这些愉悦的信息素抵达她周身时,她喃喃低语着。位于虫后腹沟位置的一块软板拉开来,释放出数打扭动的触须,这些深红的触须滴着粘稠润滑的精液,在软板上留下几道粘黏的湿迹。" @" T2 d9 G' k7 `0 |
3 Z7 e7 b$ y" J7 k       当虫后与她交配时,凯莉根并不介意自己处于被操控的一方。从她上次有合适机会去放松并享受那种难以描述的,被各种方式完全塞满的快感,已经过了很长一段时间,没有人族或者神族女性能够知道甚至做梦想到。她感到一股温暖愉悦的感觉在胸口升起,涌到她的乳房中。这份温暖在她柔软的肉球中不断高涨,最终真正地溢出。凯莉根的身体颤抖着,她的乳房交出它宝贵的乳汁,这些甘甜而滋养的液体被吸食的触须稳稳地泵上来,吸进虫后体内。虫巢看守满意地嘟囔着,似乎觉得凯莉根温暖甘甜的奶水能补给她的交配消耗,那甜蜜的滋味传遍她全身。继续泵取和吸收凯莉根乳汁同时,虫后的手也放到自己丰满的乳房上,开始挤压和揉摸,不断传出的快感深深渗入吮吸和贯穿凯莉根的感觉中,加倍她肉体的狂欢。
2 N  w' `( `& u2 u, b       几十分钟过去,凯莉根越来越多的乳汁被泵进虫后身体。当她持续以她的女族长甘甜的汁液为食时,她的输出能力也在成长,她的交配从缓慢稳定变得快速且贪得无厌。凯莉根被靠她奶水滋补强壮的虫后粗暴地性侵犯,翻起了白眼。所有触须开始在她体内插得更深,远超任何人所能承受的极限。她喉咙里那条阴茎似的器官推进得如此之远,几乎达到她胃部。在她屁股里津津有味地滑进滑出的触须,已经穿过她的结肠和扭体深深进入她的肠道。而再上升几毫米,凯莉根的阴道就会被虫后最粗壮的触须残酷地处理掉。那根适于抓握的器官每次捅入都重击着凯莉根的宫颈,随着每下推挤,内部器官严实紧密的入口防守不断被削弱。即使是刀锋女皇也无法在虫后攻击她子宫时站稳抗衡,仍是靠着她乳汁的滋补,最后一记猛击,触须撞进了凯莉根内部核心。凯莉根体内被膨胀成球状的触须顶端塞得密不透风,疲惫不堪的轻盈躯体被顶得拱起。短短几秒钟过去,她处女的(译者认为这是原作笔误,怎么看凯莉根也不会是处女)子宫在开始继续交媾前就被调整到适合虫后的大小,就像改造她阴道长度一样完全蹂躏她的子宫。即使是刀锋女皇也无法继续承受。
# b# G, P) j  P; X3 D       凯莉根的下腹和颈部凸了起来,虫后的器官在她肠子、子宫和喉咙里深深推进。凯莉根肉体的每一点都感到难以名状的清晰快感,虫后彻底蹂躏她的身体,同时用吸管摄取她那对成熟乳房中营养丰富且如蜜汁般甜美的乳汁,看着她的奶水从乳房中泵出,流上清晰透明的触须,到达带齿的吸食器官。同时,虫后开始以比先前更快的节奏地蹂躏刀锋女皇,配合着虫巢看守上升的欲望,她大量有生殖力的触须脉动并泵压着插进凯莉根身上所有的孔洞。通过这快速的推进,凯莉根感到虫后再也无法憋住她的子种,急切地想要接纳虫后的后裔到她体内。随着最后的猛力突刺,虫后将她的触须顶到凯莉根深处。刀锋女皇柔然的肌肉组织明显地凸起,她感到子宫和肠子在体内近乎剧痛地鼓起,同时喉咙中的触须强行进入了她的腹部。这一切发生之时,她的乳房被粗暴地抽吸,虫后用虹管大力地摄取她结实而丰满的紫色乳房中的每一滴奶水。) R$ x) n! D2 Y7 W; F4 H1 a# ~: e

作者: 索马里海盗    時間: 2013-3-27 12:51
作者: b75055    時間: 2013-3-27 21:23
作者: 葡式蛋塔    時間: 2013-3-29 21:09
作者: jwjwww    時間: 2013-3-30 04:11
作者: 圣堂骑士    時間: 2013-3-30 13:49
作者: w88725119q2    時間: 2013-4-3 13:24
作者: hff12384    時間: 2013-4-4 17:54
作者: zming0124    時間: 2013-4-12 01:57
作者: 鬼畜姐控    時間: 2013-4-12 13:37
本帖最後由 鬼畜姐控 於 2013-4-12 14:08 編輯 ( D5 d7 y0 L- N' M9 i! v: D6 M
tobeslayers 發表於 2013-3-29 23:35
; X( y0 w! z# V& F凯瑞根一直是心中的女王啊!楼主放个英文版上来吧!
  a; T4 F4 o% H. a4 M( P
这个是第一章,我翻了一半左右吧,还有N章,最近在忙其他事情,有英语高手就帮忙翻译下吧(咦,这算抛砖引玉吧?)  L, ^4 l- U# Q4 Z7 P( w% Y
                                                                           Kerrigan's Brood 1 / |+ }+ Y- [  ]( @
by ~SR500, Dec 28, 2010, 1:43:18 AM Literature / Prose / Fiction / Science Fiction / Introductions & Chapters 0 ^9 A& g' C  ~% B' X
                                                                          Chapter 1: Fertilization# J$ O* `8 s5 a' A- h3 u! M

3 H! K4 y, h2 l* T( lKerrigan, the Queen of Blades, supreme leader of the Zerg race, was one of the most powerful entities in the galaxy. The psionic Human-Zerg hybrid led her forces across hundreds of light years, constantly consuming and absorbing new genetic material into their expansive gene pool, in order to perfect themselves even further. As she walked across the fleshy creep covered ground of this planet, Kerrigan never forgot how she became the Queen of Blades. She'll never forget being swarmed by a sea of claws, thinking that was the end of her life. In a way, it was. Finding use for the powerful psychic, the former Overmind decided to create a new warrior, harnessing her potent mental prowess while crafting her body with their flesh. Inside that womb-like chrysalis, floating inside amniotic fluid filled with the Zerg hyper evolutionary virus, Kerrigan's body changed into what she has become today. Her clawed hand slid up her armored midsection to brush over one of her ample breasts, shuddering in slight pleasure as the sphincter door to the hive opened for her.
/ r  ~1 u  h0 V. e! g" P6 l3 d7 T8 Z/ \$ P
As she stepped inside the virtual birth place of all Zerg on this planet, she slid her hand from her surprisingly soft and supple mound back to her armored midsection, rubbing and caressing the region with an almost motherly touch. She smiled to herself, as she was going to get her vengeance on Mengsk, who left her behind on New Gettysburg those several years ago. After her liberation from the Cerebrates' control, via their destruction by her hands, she began changing the entirety of the brood and herself. As she shaped the Zerg species as she saw fit while they laid low after the destruction of the Protoss home world, she had begun collecting the genetic material of Terrans and Protoss inside her body. By seducing Terran and raping Protoss males, she extracted the necessary genes from copious amounts of seminal fluids from the respective species. Collecting and storing the gene filled fluids inside separate sacs inside her body, she slowly built up her stores inside her body to exact her vengeance on Mengsk. By combining psionic powers of the Protoss with the physical prowess of the Zerg, she would create within herself a force of hybrids that would crush Mengsk and his Terran Dominion. Mixing Terran genes along with Zerg and Protoss, Kerrigan would ensure that hosts would be readily available for impregnation, since Terrans were much easier to find than the Protoss.
5 b8 `; M8 v% d7 Q6 Y/ X
% B" J5 H  Z. n, `' EOnce she reached the center of the hive, she encountered a Zerg Queen, wardens and protectors of the precious Zerg hives. She was a large and majestic creature, baring six legs that were webbed together, the stretchy skin baring no hindrance to her movement. Her lower body extended behind her. The top was transparent, showing the numerous green eggs nestled inside her, nurtured by her pulsing body before they were ready for oviposition into the Zerg creep. Her upper torso bore four arms. The lower two were vicious scything talons while the upper pair was of a humanoid shape. Across her torso was a very feminine and supple swell of the chest, a trait gained when Kerrigan added her DNA into the Zerg gene pool, thus affecting future creatures with little hints of the Queen of Blade's former humanity. Finally, her long and crested head was adorned with many sharp ridges, as dozens upon dozens of organic tendrils hung below, imitating the likeliness and function of human hair.
4 K' o3 ?0 B/ p% E' g6 i/ l/ I0 W" I/ L3 Q2 i$ U8 p
Despite their names, even the Queen bows to the Queen of Blades. Seeing that respect was rightfully paid, Kerrigan stepped closer to her royal subject. The Queen bent down and purred as she felt Kerrigan's hand brushing softly over its face. When she looked back at Kerrigan, she was surprised to see that her abdominal armor plates were falling off of her body, exposing her soft human belly. She heard Kerrigan say, "It's time for Mengsk to finally pay for what he's done. Now, fulfill your royal duties, Queen…" Kerrigan lay down on the soft and moist creep floor, spreading her wing blades and her legs to the Queen. Reaching down with her chitin covered fingers, she gently spread her tight purple vulva. An intense wave of arousing pheromones emanated from Kerrigan's spread nether lips up towards the Queen herself. She purred as her body reacted to these pleasing pheromones. A soft plate located near the Queen's groin retracted, leaving dozens of slime trails in its wake as it freed several dozen writhing tentacle, the deep red tendrils dripping with slimy lubricating and seminal fluids.( x) c, Z. S9 J- P, M( n  V
' \; W! u. u: G9 t9 h3 Y$ `6 o4 I
In a flash, the tentacles lashed out and took hold of Kerrigan's extremities, raising her into the air. Kerrigan looked excitedly as a particularly thick tentacle positioned itself near her dripping slit. It slowly pressed and rubbed against her wet and swollen vulva. It slid down her purple lips one last time before plunging its fat length inside her. The Queen of Blades cried in pleasure as her unarmored abdomen prominently bulged in the shape of the Queen's thick tentacle. As her ripe pussy was being pounded, several other tentacles went to work on Kerrigan's body. Another tentacle gladly shoved itself into her ass, eliciting a sharp cry of pain that quickly turned into pleasure. Two suction cup tipped tentacles attached onto Kerrigan's purple breasts, rhythmically sucking on her sensitive mounds for her precious and delicious milk. And lastly, another tentacle flew into Kerrigan's open lips and down her throat, bulging from her neck as its thick length filled her esophagus.8 P; N; q. T" Y6 {9 B1 K
. V5 [% w) {: h5 G' A4 s3 l
Kerrigan did not mind being restrained as the Queen mated her. It had been a long time since she had the opportunity to relax and enjoy the indescribable pleasure of being completely filled in every imaginable way that no Terran or Protoss woman would ever know or even dream of. She felt a warm and pleasured sensation rising from within her chest and up to her breasts. The warmth kept building inside her supple globes until it finally spilled over, literally. Kerrigan's body shuddered as her breasts relinquished its precious milk, the sweet and nutritious liquids steadily being pumped up the suckling tentacles and into the Queen's body. The hive warden purring as it felt Kerrigan's warm and sweet milk fueling her mating, relishing its honey taste throughout her body. As it continued to pump and absorb Kerrigan's milk, the Queen's hands reached up to its own ample breasts and began squeezing and groping them, sending waves of pleasure that crashed into the sensation of suckling and penetrating Kerrigan, multiplying her physical rapture.
1 B  S: v! P' E$ K  p7 I" L! r0 `9 H4 L" z1 U: z
Dozens of minutes passed as more of Kerrigan's milk pumped into the Queen's body. As she continued to feed on her matriarch's liquid sweetness, her energy output grew, causing her to mating to change from slow and steady to fast and lustful. Kerrigan's eyes rolled back as her body was sexually assaulted by the Queen's milk fueled vigor. All of the tentacles began thrusting deeper into her body, far past any human limits would allow. The phallic organ in her throat pushing so far that it almost reached her stomach. Sliding in and out of her ass with gusto, the tentacle found itself past her colon and writhing deep inside her intestines. Just a few millimeters up, Kerrigan's pussy was being rigorously worked be the thickest tentacle offered by the Queen. The prehensile organ rammed viciously against Kerrigan's cervix with each thrust, the tight internal entrance weakening with each push. Even the Queen of Blades couldn't stand against the Queen's attack on her womb, fueled by her own milk, no less. With one last thrust, the tentacle drove itself deep into Kerrigan's inner core. The infested Terran's lithe body tensed up as the tentacle's tip swelled into a bulbous head, sealing itself inside her. A few short seconds passed as her virginal uterus adjusted to the Queen's size before she continued mating with her, thoroughly ravaging her womb as well as the length of her vagina. Even the Queen of Blades couldn't take this much longer.
# S& D: v( J4 g. N! Y" M; e4 h8 I# J4 T3 c* G, {
Kerrigan's abdomen and neck bulged as the Queen's organs pushed deeply inside her bowels, womb, and throat. Every bit of Kerrigan's body felt indescribably vivid pleasure as the Queen thoroughly ravaged her body, whilst siphoning her ripened breasts of its nourishing honey-like milk, watching as her creamy white milk flowing up the transparent tentacles attached to the suction tipped organs pumping her breasts. At the same time, the Queen began ravaging the Queen of Blades even faster than before, the tempo matching with the hive warden's rising lust as her multitude of virile tentacles pulse and pump into all of Kerrigan's orifices. Through the rapid thrusting, Kerrigan felt the Queen couldn't hold in her seed much longer, eager to receive the Queen's progeny inside her body. With a last and vicious thrust, the Queen pushed her tentacles as deep as they could into Kerrigan. The Queen of Blades' lithe musculature visibly tensed as she felt her womb and bowels almost painfully bulge from her body while the tentacle in her throat forced its way down into her stomach. All the while her breasts were roughly suctioned on as the Queen vigorously siphoned her firm and plump purple breasts of every drop of milk inside of her.
) a3 |1 N+ X8 d7 U3 V, G
6 f- w; u: I# n, S) p6 tWith her body so thoroughly penetrated and violated, the Queen let out a triumphant roar while her tentacles began to headily throb inside Kerrigan. Thick knots began forming at the base of the tentacles burrowed inside the Queen of Blades, growing into the size of tennis balls before they quickly began flowing up the tentacles and into Kerrigan's awaiting body. Her jaw stretched wide as the knot forced its way into her mouth and down her throat, while her ass and pussy were similarly stretched to accommodate the Queen's gooey load. It was only seconds later that Kerrigan felt an explosion of liquid heat, a brilliant wetness that filled her in ways that only she was privy to. Lewd squelching and gulps resounded from Kerrigan's throat and other holes the Queen's tentacles vivaciously pumped thick knots full of cum into her, causing her belly to swell as her stomach, bowels, and womb received several liters of sticky white seed. After a few minutes of thorough filling, the tentacles in her ass and mouth slid out of her, not before spurting a few ropes of pearly cum onto her lips and chest.# ^5 N1 ]  O8 {
; i; v0 d& c$ V9 A4 _
She licked her lips clean of any errant cum, savoring its rich salty taste before swallowing it. Just as she did, the Queen of Blades gasped as the tentacle still in her pussy harshly rammed against the walls of her womb slushing the veritable pool of cum that had been pumped into her just seconds ago as it bulged from her somewhat swollen belly. Inside her uterus, the tentacle's tip peeled back, revealing a wide and dripping urethral opening. The peeled back skin latched onto her cervix from inside her womb, anchoring itself in her innermost core. She pulled her head back from her shoulders to witness a new set of knots flowing up the tentacle burrowed in her. However, these bulges looked bigger than the ones that pumped sticky seminal fluid into her. She braced herself as the first knot began to part her labia. Just like her insemination, these new objects being pushed into her came quickly and forcefully. Kerrigan's back arched as an inseparable blend of pain and bliss flooded her body, eliciting from her lips a scream of pleasured agony as she felt the huge bulges swim up her pussy and into her womb. The tentacle's muscles tightened, forcing its payload past Kerrigan's spread cervix and into her cum filled womb. Through the sticky fluids, Kerrigan felt the first of many to come, an egg. The green ostrich egg sized vessel was merely a thick mucus membrane surrounding a palm sized proto-Zerg creature, its stem cells ready to be shaped into whatever role the hive needed it to be. But Kerrigan had no time to appreciate the little creatures filling her belly as the Queen's tentacle continued to send shockwaves of rapturous pain throughout her body as it forcefully oviposited several dozens of eggs into her burgeoning womb.& J: Z2 h* k# W# Y

8 E2 W+ y' ?  E9 q& N1 hWhat felt like a few minutes felt like hours as her body was being filled to the brim with the Queen's eggs. Her mind was dazed as pain and pleasure wracked her senses and body from being inseminated and implanted. As the Queen pumped her last egg into her leader's body, she untethered the Queen of Blades' limbs and breasts, gently laying her down onto the creep floor of the hive. Sliding wetly from Kerrigan's stretched vaginal canal, the Queen's ovipositor tentacle lovingly brushed against her rapidly developing fecundity as her ass and pussy began seeping sticky white rivulets, forming a pool of cum between her legs. Before Kerrigan allowed herself to be taken by a needy slumber, she opened the seminal collection glands into her womb, flooding her uterus with the seminal fluids of the Terran and Protoss along with the recent insemination of Zerg sperm. Feeling new warmth spreading throughout her belly, Kerrigan shut her eyes as her body began its much needed recovery from the Queen's inhumanly rigorous mating.
  A  t( q. G8 ]* c- G- s" g! O% @- k5 ]. Z" h$ F2 T
Inside Kerrigan's womb, her plan for vengeance began naturally developing. The Zergs' nature of rapidly adopting genetic traits of other races into their own began working as the eggs began absorbing the DNA of all three races into themselves. Starting off as an undefined life form inside a mucus membrane pod, Kerrigan's new weapons began take shape, growing into a humanoid shape inside their eggs. Soon, they developed into embryos, but never growing larger than a handful. However, with so many of them inside her womb, Kerrigan's belly grew from the size of a basketball to a large beach ball! Not only did the embryos develop, but so did Kerrigan's uterus. The Queen of Blade's womb developed a lamprey mouth-like opening where her navel is. On the outside, her belly button popped out as it formed four prehensile flaps. Several times during her slumber, her navel opened its new "mouth", testing its newfound function. Even in her sleep, Kerrigan's plans were going accordingly.
- Z0 {& N# ?5 S' k
* B$ M: N6 J% w, l$ l4 e7 w% W5 z0 \: p* H# @8 y
5 d  }) B+ ~8 v" ~3 G) }
Kerrigan awoke to the sounds of fellow Zerg screeching, followed by the loud report of machine guns being discharged. Her nest was under attack. Using her boney wing-like appendages on her back, Kerrigan lifted herself off the creep floor, her hands holding her veiny and pulsating womb. So gravid was her belly that it can't form her usual protective plates across her purple skinned body. The Queen was nowhere to be seen, surely fighting off the invaders. From an entrance across the room, a group of power armored marines barged. At the same time, an explosion tore the ceiling apart, giving way to a squad of descending reapers like a virus entering an open wound. One of the marines pointed at her, briefly eliciting radio chatter between them before aiming their rifles at her and opening fire. Kerrigan folded her wing blades across her body to protect the developing creatures inside her. She growled in annoyance as the reapers also hailed bullets upon her as they descended. The Queen of Blades sent a telepathic signal all across the hive, demanding reinforcements in her position. It wasn't that she worried for her own life, but for the embryos inside her.
6 y5 ~6 ~" y# F4 W4 Y
" P# `9 V) T: nFeeling that her message had clearly resounded throughout the hive, Kerrigan went on the offensive. Focusing briefly, the Queen of Blades let out a psionic wave towards the reapers in the air, dispersing the jet pack wearing soldiers from their formation as they quickly fell down onto the creep with a loud and metallic thud. A fragment of her bone wings hit her in the face, getting her attention as the marines closed in with their constant fire. Kerrigan charged forward and leapt into the air as hundreds of bullets bounced and glanced across her wings and skin, her Zerg -enhanced musculature giving her superhuman nimbleness and agility despite her extremely fecund stomach. She would end this intrusion on her own if she had to, as a combination of her claws and gravity claimed its first victim. Effortlessly her chitin armored hand shattered through a marine's face plate as her fist caved in his visage. Removing her gore covered hand from the remains of the fallen human; she swiped and crushed another marine's rifle in a single motion with her clean hand. Before the marine even knew what happened, the next thing he saw was Kerrigan's blood soaked hand before he was viciously thrown into the fleshy walls of the hive, snapping his neck as his head whipped around violently inside his helmet. Discarding the crushed weapon, Kerrigan rushed between two marine whilst unfolding her wing blades. Like twin cobras, her wings struck like lightning, piercing through the marines' helmets and their skulls alike. Unsheathing her wing tips from the ruins of the marines' skulls, Kerrigan stood dominantly over the still warm bodies of the slain marines, folding her wings behind her back instinctually. What were a few humans to the Queen of Blades? Even in her vulnerable state, the Terran-Zerg hybrid handedly destroyed these armored soldiers. She turned her attention to the grounded reapers, seeking to kill them as they were before they took flight again.  M. g: S* W& g% i* V

! @, f! B1 L1 yWalking with her heeled feet, she sought the death of the first one. She began to concentrate briefly so she could crush the skull of one of the reapers in the palm of her psionic hand. But a burst of machine gun fire filled the room, distracting Kerrigan as both of her battered wing blades were severed by a short stream of high caliber bullets. She turned around to see yet another marine, seeing that his underslung laser sight aimed directly as her undulating and gravid womb, containing dozens upon dozens of Kerrigan's unborn offspring. Kerrigan's hands held her pulsating womb as her wings quickly regenerated, only to fold protectively over her exposed body. From the marine's vox, she heard him say, "You're a hard woman to find." He brazenly opened his helmet from inside the hive, letting a huge plume of smoke emerge from within. As the smoke cleared, Kerrigan saw a chewed up cigar hanging from the man's mouth, complementing his brutish face. The cigar's tip glowed bright orange as he inhaled deeply of the burning tobacco before letting it steam from his nostrils, saying, "I don't know what Jimmy sees in you, but personally, I don't give a shit." Kerrigan's eyes lit up as she quietly said the name, "Jim…!" She came back to reality as she heard the unknown marine chamber a fresh round into his rifle, saying, "Now you're gonna play nice and die now, you hear me?" Kerrigan was ready to pounce, but before any of them could do anything, the creep around the marine's feet exploded as dozens of Zerglings bursted forth from the depths of the hive. He cried an expletive, closing his helmet as he engaged the ravenous creatures that began to gnaw and tear at his armor.# M2 P$ U+ a# L$ ~" a9 f- r
: t, J* |+ Y- {- W) f. W
Taking her chance, Kerrigan fled from the scene, leaving her minions to clean up the rest of the Terrans. Entering another room, Kerrigan telepathically beckoned another creature to come for her. The floor before her bulged and stretched before a Nidus Worm bursted through the creep. Opening its expansive maw before her, the Queen of Blade stepped in, letting the enormous creature her swallow her into its cavernous transport sac before making a hasty retreat back into the ground. As she nestled alongside other Zerg creatures inside the protective and moist confines of the Nidus Worm, she tenderly rubbed her stomach as she remembered Jim Raynor, the only man who gave a damn about her before her abandonment by Arcturus Mengsk on New Gettysburg. Caressing her pulsating embryo filled womb, Kerrigan put sentimental thoughts aside as she began phase two of her plans. Vengeance will come and with the birth of her children, she will destroy Mengsk's Terran Dominion.
作者: 鬼畜姐控    時間: 2013-4-12 13:44
hff12384 發表於 2013-4-4 17:54
) K7 m8 D2 o0 I5 i8 P6 m# {" y8 z我想知道原网站是什么

5 J3 X) c; c& s, G! ihttp://sr500.deviantart.com/art/Kerrigan-s-Brood-1-191204394
作者: 鬼畜姐控    時間: 2013-4-12 13:52
tobeslayers 發表於 2013-3-29 23:35 3 |. u, Q* P% {

2 {9 R) t' j2 m在第三页
作者: jimqwert    時間: 2013-4-12 15:19
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作者: 三生石1211    時間: 2013-5-17 12:38
作者: hyk268493    時間: 2013-5-19 23:50
作者: browens    時間: 2013-5-21 21:39
mark 有时间的话看看
作者: chengtian    時間: 2013-5-29 20:52
作者: 只是一个巧遇    時間: 2013-8-27 09:18
求翻译完啊 英文看着好蛋疼
作者: baggio375    時間: 2013-8-27 20:43
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作者: kerrigan79    時間: 2013-9-18 18:39
作者: LICEN333    時間: 2013-9-19 21:16
作者: smilewyj    時間: 2013-10-29 20:07
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应该很不错吧 呵呵
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祝愿楼主继续翻译下去  我们很喜欢~
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今日回帖  怒刷存在感  楼主真是好贴啊
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挺好的 就是口味有点重
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好文 可惜太短了
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